5 Common Claims Specialist Interview Questions & Answers

Kellie Hanna, CPRW
By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: July 01, 2022

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After you’ve completed an excellent resume and gotten your cover letter in order, it’s time to think about your upcoming face-to-face job interview. This meeting plays a central role in the hiring process because it gives employers the chance to evaluate you as a potential employee. They will typically ask you a series of questions, and your answers will be used to determine if you’re a good fit for the needs of the company overall and if the company is in turn a good place for you to work as well.

These evaluations are based not only on your professional history but also your behaviors and how you approach situations within the workplace. Therefore, it's best to be prepared. While you may already be familiar with some of the more typical general questions, you should also be ready and able to answer some claims specialist interview questions which are geared more specifically towards the industry and position you're seeking.

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5 Claims Specialist Interview Questions & Answers

Have you ever had to negotiate in order to get your way when working in a group?

Yes. At my last position when I was working in a group which was focused around one client’s auto claim, it seemed initially like no one could come to an agreement on what the accident should be covered under. One group member claimed that it rested under one policy, another employee claimed that the accident was the client’s fault and should therefore be handled differently, and I had a third option which involved neither of the first two. We sat down and successfully navigated the situation until we all came to a unanimous understanding of the subject. It’s my belief that we got the client the best outcome possible for their troubles.

When you are working on multiple cases at once as a claims specialist, how do you decide which one takes priority over the others?

Sometimes managing several different cases at once can be a challenge, certainly, but learning to prioritize can really help to get things under control. I always look for the work that needs to be completed the soonest. While there may be other, larger projects to worry about, I don’t like to let upcoming projects or cases slip under the rug in favor of the largest ones. I take pride in my work, and every accomplishment counts, especially in this line of work. If I miss out on a case, then it’s the client who suffers, which is not something any insurance company would want.

Describe a situation in which you've been required to use your communication skills in order to get the job done.

In my old job, I was assigned alongside three other group members to the task of getting a rather large claim completed. It involved a great deal of money on the company’s part, so we really needed to be thorough about how we approached the situation. I was in charge of contacting the client themselves. Before approaching the client, I sat down and made a list of all the information I needed before returning to the office. I feel like this helped to resolve the case smoothly in the end. There was no conflict, and it seemed like everyone got the ending best suited for their position surrounding the situation.

How important is customer service to you?

In the end, I think customer service is what can make or break a company. Running a successful business is all about maintaining a good image with clients and customers, and you can’t do that if you’re treating them poorly. That’s why I always remember to put my best foot forward when interacting with anyone whenever I’m given a case to evaluate, regardless of how difficult the situation or the individual in question might be. It’s my priority to provide good customer service and prove myself an asset to my company while I’m there.

Are you able to use basic software programs like Word and Excel?

Yes, I always try to stay up to date with the latest software programs so that I can really be an asset to my company and get my job done efficiently. I also work with PowerPoint and several other programs if they’re needed in the office.

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