Deputy Sheriff Cover Letter Example + Tips

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While resumes are important in the job application process, they can only do so much. You need to add a cover letter to your submission in order to really show a hiring manager that you have the skills and expertise needed in this new open position. Whether this will be your first time writing a cover letter or if you just want to improve your letter-writing skills, consult with this free deputy sheriff cover letter sample. As an extra bonus, a few tips are given after the cover letter sample.

Dear Mr. Bridges,

I am incredibly impressed with all you have done at the Palm County Sheriff’s Office in reducing crime over the last five years by 40 percent. It would be an honor to put my skills to use as your new deputy sheriff.

Integrity is a quality everyone in law enforcement needs to possess. At my last job, part of my duties involved reducing corruption within the office itself. Through independent investigation, I discovered that several workers were neglecting their duties. Paperwork was not getting filed correctly, resulting in criminals walking. I worked with my supervisor to clean up the department and improve our internal systems.

Working with the public is a necessity in this line of work. Whenever I speak with someone, whether it is a traffic stop or investigating someone’s home, I treat everyone with respect and abide by the philosophy of “innocent until proven guilty.” Ultimately, my job is to keep everyone safe, and I am proud of the work my colleagues and I did in Toluca County.

I can speak more about my qualifications at a later date if you like. Thank you for your consideration and time.

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What to Include in a Deputy Sheriff Cover Letter

With your salutation, you always want an exact name because writing “To Whom It May Concern” will almost always doom your chances before you even have a chance. Provide concrete, detailed information about your prior work history and remain on message to what you are trying to achieve. Avoid cliché statements or phrases, and leave out any jokes. Make sure your letter focuses on what the company needs as opposed to what you need. Finally, end strongly and keep the entire document to a few paragraphs in length like the free deputy sheriff cover letter sample does.

Industry Specific Skills to Include

You never want to lie and mention skills in your cover letter that you do not actually have. However, the following traits would be useful to bring up if they apply to you, and they can make your document even better than this free deputy sheriff cover letter sample.

  • Strength and stamina: A lot of physical activity will be demanded of you in any job in law enforcement.
  • Perceptiveness: Being able to observe people’s behaviors and draw conclusions will be a true asset.
  • Empathy: You will be talking with numerous people who have been wronged in some way, and you should offer some level of sympathy.
  • Good judgment: When problems present themselves, you need to react in the best manner possible.