Home Health Aide Cover Letter Example & Templates

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home health aide cover letter example

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What It’s Like to Work in the Home Health Aide Field

A home health aide cover letter carefully delineates a candidate’s experience living in homes or working in assisted communities. They provide assistance with the resident’s daily living. Depending on the job, the health care aide may need specialized training in working with the elderly, or residents with mental or physical disabilities. They work with sufferers of Parkinson’s, mental illness, cerebral palsy and could be required to administer medications. They may also help patients with daily tasks like bathing and dressing, eating, using the bathroom and simply moving from one room to another.

Benefits of Working in the Home Health Aide Field

This is a selfless position. A person that chooses to be a home health aide spends their day performing medical, household and advocacy duties. They give others the emotional and physical support for not just the resident, but the patient’s family. This is a job for a detail oriented candidate that willingly spends their days doing for others.

Why You Need a Cover Letter

The home health aide cover letter is critical. Like any aspect of the health care industry, hiring managers need to be confident trusting a candidate with the well-being of patients. While the resume can certainly cover a candidate’s required experience, training and certifications, the cover letter is where the candidate demonstrates their willingness and desire to help the less fortunate live as normally as possible with independence, dignity and privacy.