Hiring managers receive dozens if not hundreds of applications when they try to fill a job position. If you wish to take on a position as a physician’s assistant with a promising practice, you must have a solid CV that details your best skills, accomplishments, and experience. If you have never written a curriculum vitae before, don’t feel overwhelmed. The following PDF of a PA CV example and the tips and tricks included to write a good CV will help you create one that showcases your best assets and has doctors interested in hiring you.


Calvin Cyrus

123 Fake Street, City, State, Zip Code

E: email@email.com P: 000-000-0000

Professional Summary

Highly trained and experienced physician’s assistant with more than 10 years of experience working in high-end practices. Professional and friendly demeanor that patients and doctors alike enjoy working with. Knowledgeable in medicine, dentistry, and psychology, and I use my knowledge and skills to best serve patients of all ages. Team player who always strives to ensure patients feel as relaxed as possible and go home feeling as if their needs were met.

  • Excellent active listening skills and ability to give my full attention to patients to understand their symptoms and provide the attention they deserve.
  • Exceptional critical thinker who can identify the advantages and disadvantages of specific treatment options to determine which one best fits patients’ needs.
  • Fluently speaks Spanish and can act as a translator between patients and healthcare professionals when necessary.
  • Strong social perception skills help me notice how others react to certain news or treatments and determine if there may be a better alternative.
  • Detail-oriented and highly organized to ensure patients and doctors receive the information they need when they need it.
Work Experience
Family Practice Physician Assistant
July 2011 to Present



  • Examine patient and take vital signs at the start of the appointment to ensure vitals are within normal range and to compare them to previous vital statistics on record.
  • Provide tentative diagnoses and treatment options for the doctor to confirm with the patient.
  • Order diagnostic tests such as X-rays and laboratory work.
  • Speak with patients to compile a list of current medications, notes on progress, results of previous doctor’s appointments and health history.

Physician’s Assistant
January 2006 to July 2011



  • Worked with a team of doctors and nurses to provide whole healthcare to patients ranging in age from pediatric to geriatric.
  • Visited patients to observe their current conditions, order treatments, update charts, and report back to the attending physician.
  • Provided assistance to the attending physician during complicated medical procedures.

Physician’s Assistant
September 2001 to December 2005




  • Organized patient data and input it into the proper spreadsheets so doctors and nurses would have the information when they needed it.
  • Supervised technicians and technical assistants while they performed their work.
  • Performed treatment procedures such as injections, suturing wounds, and managing infections.
  • Instructed patients regarding their treatment and acted as a patient ear for their concerns and questions related to their diagnoses and treatment options.




The Ohio State Company Name
Master of Science


Ohio Dominican University
Hobbies and Interests

When I am not working my paid position, I provide medical services to low-income clinics and homeless shelters in nearby cities. Outside of medicine, I enjoy jazz music, spending time with my family, and exercising on the beach during a beautiful sunset. I also have a weak spot for comic books.



Physician Assistant Job Overview and Tips

What Does a PA Do?

A physician’s assistant is responsible for assisting patients, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with treatment, communication, and a wide variety of other tasks that ensure patients receive the treatment they need and deserve. Physician’s assistants administer medications per doctors’ instructions as well as perform diagnostic tests and explain treatment options to patients. They take vital statistics and record them periodically to determine if the course of treatment is working. Physician’s assistants must be highly organized, detail-oriented, and understanding and patient when dealing with patients. The PA CV example provides a clearer understanding of some of the most common tasks expected of a physician’s assistant.

Tips for Creating a Great PA CV

Now that you have a good idea of what to include in your physician’s assistant CV, include the following tips and our CV maker to truly make it stand out:

  • Do use concise and purposeful words that indicate your knowledge not only of the English language but also of terms related to your field.
  • Don’t forget to use bullet points for almost every section. Doing so makes it easier for hiring managers to scan your CV and find the parts that stand out.
  • Do provide information about interesting and relevant tasks you’ve performed for your job, including presentations, hosting seminars, awards you’ve received, or memberships you’ve earned.
  • Don’t forget to proofread. Silly mistakes make you look unprofessional.

We can help you build your professional CV

  • Professionally designed and formatted templates
  • Expert suggestions for filling out every section of your CV, customized by job title
  • Easily create different versions of your CV, customized for different jobs